Preliminary program

Local organizer

Croatian society for rheumatology
International Society for US in Rheumatology

Course directors
Miroslav Mayer
Francesco Porta

Faculty members
Mislav Cerovec
Mislav Cavka
Georgios FIlippou
Felica Galluccio
Miroslav Mayer
Porin Peric
Francesco Porta
Goran Radunovic
Plamen Todorov
Florin Vreju


  1. Introduction and aim of the course (10 min)
  2. Unsolved problems in SpA: diagnosis, assesment, management and prognosis (20 min)
  3. Elementary US features in SpA (synovium, tendon, enthesis, bone): how to detect and quantify (40 min)
  4. Elementary US features specific for PsA (skin and nails): how to detect and quantify (20 min)
  5. The subclinical enthesitis (20 min)

Workshop: basic lesions in SpA (joint, skin, nails…)


  1. Diagnostic role of US in the early SpA (20)
  2. Mechanical enthesopathy vs enthesitis – can US help?  (20)
  3. US ssessment of dactilitis(20)
  4. US assessment of structural damage in PsA: osteophites, enthesophites, erosions (20)
  5. US role in differential diagnosis of PsA vs  OA and RA (20)

Interactive Q&A: diagnostic challenge and activity vs damage (60)


Workshop: differential diagnosis and enthesopathy (60)

  1. US detection of treatment response in PsA (30)
  2. Pain in SpA: can US help us to understand it? (20)
  3. Axial imaging in SpA: from detection to decision making (50 min with clinical cases)
  4. US guided procedures in axial SpA: technique and indications (30)
  5. US guided procedures in  peripheral SpA: technique and indications (20)

Workshop: axial US (50)

  1. Hot topics and research agenda US in PsA (20 min)
  2. Closing remarks and discussion  (10 min)

Workshops (interactive sessions)

Diagnostic challenges
Damage vs activity
